What to do at Checkout
Checkout is a strict 10.00am. Sorry this may feel a bit early after a relaxing stay on The Island, but this time is to enable Nick and the cleaners to have sufficient time to keep guests safe.
Please could you help Nick by doing the following.
- Please leave the house clean and tidy (especially the BBQs if you have used them and the kitchen contents). There is BBQ cleaning fluid in the large wicker box behind the BBQ table.
- There is no need to strip the beds.
- Towels, robes, bathmats: please place all these loose into the bath downstairs. Ditto the tea towels in the kitchen.
- Please put recycling (cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles) in the green bags, and all other rubbish in the black bags. These bags go into large dustbins in the green cable house at the mainland end of the bridge. All this is processed at CTC Waste’s recycling facility (“0% to landfill”). If you can, it would help Nick if you could take all the bags up to the garage by the end of your stay. In any event please never leave bags out in the cable house, and keep the lids on the dustbins, so we don’t attract vermin. The code for the padlock on the cable house is 1066. Bagged dog poop can temporarily go in the small red bin marked dog poop, usually outside the kitchen or in the shed; but please take all dog bags up to the public bins on the green at the top of the steps at the end of your stay, thanks.
- Please turn the thermostat right down.
- Leave all crockery, cutlery and glassware either clean or running in the dishwasher.
- Check the key rack: there should be appropriate keys on each of the following colours: yellow (kitchen), blue (conservatory), red (dining room), and black disk (external). There should be a white disk set (external), which you can leave in the garage key safe if you need the garage door fob.
- Do please sign our visitors’ book! We love reading guests’ comments and it is helpful for future guests to share tips and experiences.
- Please note down anything broken/missing/etc in “Notes for a Small Island” on the key rack, so that it can be fixed/replaced before the next guests.
- We will see your comments but if you would particularly like to contact the owners separately about anything, good or bad, please feel free to email us on theislandcornwall@gmail.com.
Thank you for cooperating with these procedures which are designed to help keep everyone safe.